SAP BO Online Training
• Understanding Business Objects Universes
- Business Objects universe concepts
- Understanding universe development cycle
• Creating the Basic Universe
- Getting started t- create the universe
• Building the Universe Structure
- Create the universe structure
- Defining joins in a universe
• Dimension Objects
- Understand classes and objects
- Creating classes and objects
• Measure Objects
- Measure object concepts
- Creating measure objects
• Loops in a Universe
- Understanding loops concept
- Resolving loops using aliases
- Resolving loops using contexts
• Understanding and Resolving SQL Traps
- Understanding SQL traps and universes
- Detecting and resolving chasm traps
- Detecting and resolving fan traps
• Applying Restrictions on Objects
- Restricting the data returned by objects
• Using @functions with Objects
- Defining @functions
- @prompt
- @prompt syntax
- @select
- @where
- @aggregate_aware
• Hierarchies
- Hierarchies and universes concept
- Working with hierarchies
• Lists of Values
- Creating a list of values
- Working with LOVs in Universe Designer
- Creating a cascading LOV
• Derived Tables and Indexes
- Derived tables concept and its use
- Applying index awareness
• Linking Universes
- Linked universe concept
- Creating links between universes
• Universe Access Restrictions
- Setting access restrictions on a universe
• Universe Management
- Documenting universes
- Deploying universes
- Maintaining universes
• Web Intelligence Intr-
- Web Intelligence concepts
• Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries
- Creating a new report
- Editing Report query
- Understanding query properties
• Restricting Data Returned by a Query
- Restricting data with query filters
- Predefined query filter
- Single-value query filter
- wildcards in query filters
- prompts
-complex filters
• Designing Web Intelligence Reports
- Working with Web Intelligence documents
- Displaying data in tables and charts
- Creating tables
- Working with tables
- Presenting data in free-standing cells
- Presenting data in charts
• Various features of WebI in Reports
- Breaks, calculations
- Sorts
- Formatting breaks and cross tabs
- Report filters
- Ranking data t- see top or bottom values
- Tracking data changes
- Using alerters t- highlight information
- Organizing a report int- sections
- Copying data t- other applications
• Formatting Reports
- Formatting documents
- Formatting charts
• Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables
- Explaining formulas and variables
- Using formulas and variables
• Using Multiple Data Sources
- Synchronizing data from multiple data sources
- Creating multiple queries in a document
- Synchronizing data with merged dimensions
- Using a personal data provider
• Analyzing Data
- Analyzing the data cube
- Drilling in Web Intelligence documents
- Setting Web Intelligence drill options
• Managing and Sharing Web Intelligence Documents
- Exporting documents t- the CMS
- Managing documents in InfoView
- Viewing a Web Intelligence document in InfoView
- Sharing Web Intelligence documents
- Setting InfoView preferences
- Web Intelligence report panels