Oracle 11g DBA Online Training Oracle 11g DBA Training Course Content:INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE DBA1.What is DBA ?2.Why a Company needs a DBA?3.Roles & Responsibilities of DBA4.Oracle Architecture5.Physical and Logical Phase of Database6.Types of files(Control file, Redolog file and Datafile)7.Different types of Datafiles8.Instance9.SGA(System Global Area) and Background Process• DATABASE CREATION1.Different Startup Modes2.Different Shutdown Modes3.Types of Database Creation4.Manual Method of Creation• TABLESPACE MANAGEMENT1.Introduction to Table space2.Types of Table space(BIG & SMALL)3.Temporary Table space4.Altering/Renaming a Table space5.Renaming a data file6.Temporary Groups7.Table space Encryption(11g)STORAGE PARAMETERS1.What are segments?2.What are extents?3.What is Blocks?4.Oracle Blocks5.Estimation of Extents6.Dictionary Managed Table space7.Locally Managed Table space8.Storage Parameters(Initial, Next, Min Extents, Xtents, Pctincrease)USER MANAGEMENT1.Who are Database Users?2.Why to create a User?3.Creation of Users4.Assigning Privileges5.Creating and granting Roles6.Allocating table space Quotas to Users7.Assigning default table space for the Users8.Setting Profiles for the Users9.Levels of Authentication10.Schema Management(11g)11.Security(11g)UNDO MANAGEMENT1.What is Undo?2.Why Undo required?3.Pending offline status4.Brief idea about Rollback segments5.Flashback Features6.Flashback Table7.Flashback query8.Flashback Version query• SPFILE & OMF1.What is spfile?2.Difference between spfile and pfile3.Advantages of spfile4.What is OMF?5.Advantages of OMF6.Files conventions of OMF• NETWORKING IN ORACLE1.Introduction to Oracle Networking2.Network default location3.Editing Network file4.Listener.ora5.Tnsnames.ora1.Introduction to Database Links2.Types of Database Links3.Introduction to Materialized views4.Advantages of Materialized view5.Refresh ModesREDO-LOG & CONTROLFILE MANAGEMENT1.Introduction to Redo log2.Status of Redo logs3.Multiplexing the Redo log files4.Re-creation of Control file5.Renaming the Database6.Multiplexing the Control fileLOGICAL BACKUP1.What is a logical backup2.Why it is required3.Export/import Utility4.Data Pump5.Difference between Data Pump and Traditional Export/import6.Impdp/expdp7.Transportable Table spacesPHYSICAL BACKUP1.Introduction to Physical backup2.Types of Physical backup3.Cold & Hot backup4.Recovery scenarios5.RMAN backup6.RMAN Point in time recovery7.RMAN 11g new featuresPEFORMANCE TUNING1.What is Performance Tuning?2.Why Tuning required?3.Types of Tuning4.Database Tuning5.Tuning6.SQL Tuning7.Memory Tuning8.Network Tuning9.Partitioning and Indexes10.Partitioning Enhancements11.AWR/ASH/ASMM/ADDM12.RAT(Real Application Testing)(11g)13.SQL Performance Analyses (11g)14.Row chaining and Row migration15.Resemble Table spacesAVAILABILITY1.Introduction to Data Guard2.Types of Standby databases3.11g New features in Data Guard4.Types of Protection modes5.Active standby/snapshot standby(11g)6.Log Miner7.RMAN Point in time Recovery8.Introduction to Database Cloning9.RMAN Cloning10.Automatic Storage Management(ASM)• ADVANCED SQL TopicsHOW TO USE SAS MACROS IN SQL1.How dictionary table and views can simplify programming SQL options2.How to retrieve Raw data different from DATABASES to SAS environment using SQL Statements3.To create table in different databases using SAS sql statement4.To manage in different databases using SAS Sql StatementsSQL-LOADER1.Introduction to SQL Loader2.Types of files3.Control file4.Infile5.Bad file6.Discard file7.Data fileAUDITING1.What is auditing?2.Why auditing performed?3.Types of Auditing4.Levels of Auditing• FLASHBACK FEATURES1.Flashback Database2.Flashback Archive(11g)• MISCELLANEOUS1.Oracle 11g Installations2.Comparison between Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g3.New features Introduced in Oracle 10g4.Upgradation from Oracle 10g to Oracle11g